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MAA Member Artists featured in the 2000-2004 Traveling Exhibition

Artist's Home as of 2000 is indicated as well as their year of induction into the MAA.
* Denotes founding member in 1985.

Angelini, John - FL 1986
Barnes, Kim - FL 1998
Boyers, Anita - MO 1996
Boyers, Camille - MO 1997
Boyers, Jean - MO 1993
Bridges, Pat Craddock - TN 1992
Burdett-Somers, Wilhelmina - England 1990
Chadwell, Mary - NV*
Cochran, Margi - NJ 1989
Dunne, Jeanne - FL*
Elley, Chuck - NE 1995 d. 1/27/2004
Friday, Katherine Orwoll - OR 1992
Ganz, Sylvia Tykie - FL*
Gliessner, Skip - KY*
Gruizinga, Fred - Germany 1989
Hargraves, Charles - Canada 1998
Helwig, Lech - Poland 1990
Hunt, Geoffrey W.G. - England 2000
Jackson, Barbara - GA 1990
Kennealy, Charmian - So. Africa 1995
Laird-Lagassee, Janet - ME 1996
Landman, Johannes - Canada 2000
Matteson, Deanna - WY 1989
Milhalik, Jane - MD*
Mitchell, Dean - MO 1991
Mundy, William R (Bill) - England 1992
Olson, Demaris - CO 1995
Parker, Colleen - UT 1992
Perkins, Stuart - England 1990
Petryszak, Kay - FL 1990
Plummer, Carlton - MA 1986
Rambo, Meredith - GA 1994
Richards, Glenora Case - CT 1993
Rockwell, Carol - FL 1996
Sanford, Sheila - England 1995
Saxon, Henry - England 1993 d.2006
Sharbaugh, Evelyn - PA 1998
Shorthouse, Sydney -England 1993
Stern, Louis - Washington, DC 1994
Temple, Violet - Canada 1992
Toole, Lois Salmon - OH 1992
Trial, Sherri A. - PA 1999
Trundle, Sylvia - OH 1988
Turner, Cyril - England 1988
Whyte, Raymond - FL 1989 d. 4/9/2003

Charter Member of the World Federation of Miniaturists

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