Mission & History | MAA Membership | Traveling Exhibit | MAA Book | Contact | Candidates Circle MAA Member Artists featured in the 1994-1995 Traveling Exhibition Artist's Home as of 1994 is indicated as well as their year of induction into the MAA. * Denotes founding member in 1985. A New Tradition Very nearly a century ago, four men and six women, all established artists, gathered in New York to form the American Society of Miniature Painters, the first organization of its kind in this country. The founders did not welcome the responsibilities of the undertaking, and let it be known that their intention was not simply to establish another social club, or exhibition venue. Their motivation was, rather, the more compelling need for an entity through which they might hope to educate the public regarding the history of miniature painting, the extent and significance of its revival as an art form following near eclipse with the advent of photography, and the standards of quality by which works should be judged. In the next decades four similar groups were founded in cities across the country, and all flourished. Several hundred artists enjoyed the enthusiasm and critical esteem that was generated, as well as the resulting purchase of their work from exhibitions and through private commissions. Unfortunately, changing times and tastes once again took a toll, and only the last of these groups to be formed, the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington, D. C., has survived to the present day. It has had the satisfaction, however, of being witness, in the past twenty years, to another strong revival of interest, and of serving as a model for yet another generation of miniaturists, and their supporting organizations. With this inaugural exhibition of the Miniature Artists of America we are celebrating both a perpetuation of that heritage and the creation of a new level of recognition for those involved. MAA also looks to fulfill an educational role, and, by example, to uphold artistic standards. Its membership is particularly well suited for those responsibilities because they are chosen, within very strict guidelines, by the first organization to comprise artists nominated for special honor by their miniaturist peers. A new tradition joins the long, proud history of art "in little!" ~ Lewis Hoyer Rabbage, Archivist, Miniature Artists of America, New York City, 1988 Welcome to the Miniature Artists of America Miniature Artists of America, formed to bring recognition to outstanding contemporary miniaturists, is proud to present an Inaugural Exhibit featuring works of its 19 signature members. Founded in Clearwater, Florida in 1985 after a study of several prestigious art organizations, it invites no more than ten artists each year to join its ranks. They are chosen from among successful practitioners in today's resurgence of miniaturism by a jury of their peers. Throughout the ages Man has found fascination in painting and sculpture done "in the little" - from the cave art of thousands of years ago, through the Elizabethan period with its delicate hand-held beauties on ivory and vellum to the representative works of some of today's leading miniaturists - from Nevada to England - honored in this Exhibit. It is particularly fitting that this event, a first of its kind, take place in the historic Arts Club, long associated with the annual shows of the Miniature Painters, Sculptors and Gravers Society of Washington, the Nation's oldest group of miniaturists. The Capital itself is recognized for its eminent miniature collections. We extend our grateful appreciation to The Arts Club for its warm invitation and cooperation in presenting this unique show. As you view these exquisite works we hope you will share with us the excitement of participating in an art event of historical significance. ~ Laura Parker Schofer, MAA President 1988 The Miniature Artists of America: Inaugural Exhibition June 7-26, 1988 Featured MAA Member Artists - Venue: The Arts Club of Washington, DC Angelini, John M. Barker, Al Blake, Jane Brannigan, Patrick G. Chadwell, Mary Duckwall, Helen Dunne, Jeanne Ganz, Tykie Gliessner, Skip Haynes, Richard William Longley, Pat Milhalik, Jane Morrell, Gary Ore, F. Marion Plummer, Carlton Simonds, Marion Trundle, Sylvia Turner, Cyril B. Woodhouse, Majorie |
Charter Member of the World Federation of Miniaturists