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Miniature Artists of America 2008-2012 Traveling Exhibition on display
Miniature Artists of America 2008-2012 Traveling Exhibition on display at the Great Smoky Mountains Heritage Center

The Miniature Artists of America
The Organization Honoring Nationally Outstanding Professionals in American Miniaturism

The Miniature Artists of America was founded in 1985 in Clearwater, FL, USA to recognize outstanding professional miniature artists exhibiting within the United States. The Society's Signature Members represent a broad international constituency and a variety of artistic mediums and styles of 'Fine Art in little'.

The book, Modern Masters of Miniature Art in America was published in 2010 by author Wes Siegrist, MAA Historian. Assisted by his fellow Officers of the MAA Society, the book comprehensively covers the scope of miniature art past and present and highlights fifty-three Signature Members of the MAA.

Charter Member of the World Federation of Miniaturists

Miniatureartistsofamerica.org is the official website of The Miniature Artists of America. All artwork, images and contents of this website are © Miniature Artists of America and the respective Artists. The MAA Logo was designed by Pat Longley.